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Milli Vanilli

Girl I'M Gonna Miss You

  • Pop
  • Dance
  • Space
  • Rock
  • Rap
song from
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1988
  • 1982
  • 1970

Milli Vanilli was a pop/dance music project formed by Frank Farian in Germany in 1988, fronted by Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. The group’s debut album achieved high sales internationally which earned them a Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 1990. The act became one of the most popular pop acts in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, their success turned to infamy when their Grammy was revoked after it was revealed that the actual vocals on the record were not the voices of Morvan and Pilatus. In 1998, ten years after Milli Vanilli’s initial debut, Pilatus was found dead in a Frankfurt hotel of an apparent drug overdose. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I'm gonna miss you

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Most votes come from Germany, and United States.


More songs by Milli Vanilli (See Charts): Baby Don'T Forget My Number, Girl You Know It'S True, and Blame It On The Rain.

Popular in Reggae (See Charts): No Woman, No Cry, Redemption Song, D'Yer Mak'Er, Me Gustas Tu, Red Red Wine, Baby I Love Your Way, Is This Love, Could You Be Loved, Baby I Love Your Way, and Spirits In The Material World.


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