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Best of Milli Vanilli

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Milli Vanilli was a pop/dance music project formed by Frank Farian in Germany in 1988, visually fronted by Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. The group’s debut album achieved international success and earned them a Grammy Award for Best New Artist Feb. 21, 1990. Milli Vanilli became one of the most popular pop acts in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, their success turned to infamy when their Grammy was revoked after it was revealed that the lead vocals on the record were not the actual voices of Morvan and Pilatus. The material intended for Milli Vanilli’s second album was released under the names of the actual singers, dubbed “The Real Milli Vanilli”. Although Morvan and Pilatus later released an album using their actual voices, it was a commercial failure. On the eve of a... Read on...

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