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ø 4.4 at 7 votes
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  • Symphony
  • Rock
  • Alternative
  • Space
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song from
  • 2009
  • 2012
  • 2010
  • 1999
  • 2002

Alternative video Spotify
“Exogenesis: Symphony”, commonly known as simply “Exogenesis”, is a song by English alternative rock band Muse, featured on their 2009 fifth studio album The Resistance. Written by lead vocalist, guitarist and pianist Matthew Bellamy over the course of a number of years, the song is presented as a symphony in three movements entitled “Overture”, “Cross-Pollination” and “Redemption” respectively, each occupying a separate track at the end of the album and spanning nearly 13 minutes in total. “Exogenesis” was released as a single in the United States on 19 April 2010, with 500 copies to be made available by import in the United Kingdom through the band’s official website. Read on...

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Most votes come from Norway, United States, Canada, Australia, and France.


More songs by Muse (See Charts): Take A Bow, Dark Shines, Dead Star/in Your World, Butterflies And Hurricanes, Feeling Good, Invincible, Space Dementia, The Groove, Sunburn, and Sing For Absolution.

Popular in Symphony (See Charts): I Hear A Symphony, I Hear A Symphony, When I Come Of Age, Symphony No. 7, Jillian, What Have You Done, Our Solemn Hour, Sonnet, The Swan Song, and Bitter Sweet Symphony.


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