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ø 4.6 at 165 votes
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When Doves Cry

  • Pop
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  • Rock
song from
  • 1984
  • 1999
  • 1998
  • 1991
  • 1980

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“When Doves Cry” is a song by the American musician Prince, and the lead single from his 1984 album Purple Rain. It was a worldwide hit, and his first American number one single, topping charts for five weeks. According to Billboard magazine, it was the top-selling single of the year. It was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, shipping two-million units in the United States. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ When doves cry ... How can u just leave me standing ... This is what it sounds like

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This song is listed #52 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

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Most votes come from Spain, United States, Greece, Argentina, France, Turkey, Germany, Canada, Norway, and United Kingdom.


More songs by Prince (See Charts): Paisley Park, Moonbeam Levels, Irresistible Bitch, Damn U, America, I Wish U Heaven, Take Me With U, Soft And Wet, Kiss, and Seven.

Popular in Funk (See Charts): Unbreakable, I Wish, Sir Duke, Summertime Clothes, You Haven'T Done Nothin', Sometimes It'S Snows In April, Ain'T Nobody, I Feel For You, Sex Machine, and Uptown Funk.


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