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ø 4 at 47 votes
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Hard Rock
  • Opera
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song from
  • 1975
  • 2010
  • 1992
  • 2011
  • 1976

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A Night at the Opera is the fourth studio album by British rock group Queen, released in November 1975. Co-produced by Roy Thomas Baker and Queen, A Night at the Opera was, at the time of its release, the most expensive album ever recorded. A commercial success, A Night at the Opera has been voted by the public and cited by music publications as one of Queen’s finest works. The album takes its name from the Marx Brothers film A Night at the Opera, which the band watched one night at the studio complex when recording. It was originally released by EMI in the United Kingdom where it topped the charts for four non-consecutive weeks, and Elektra Records in the United States where it peaked at number four. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Don't you hear me calling you ... Don't you hear my call though you're many years away

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Most votes come from Portugal, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, United States, Colombia, Indonesia, Montenegro, and Saudi Arabia.


More songs by Queen (See Charts): I’m Going Slightly Mad, Cool Cat, Was It All Worth It, Back Chat, Some Day One Day, Dragon Attack, Play The Game, Fun It, Wants To Live Forever, and One Vision.

Popular in Hard Rock (See Charts): Sweet Child O' Mine, We Are The Champions, You Shook Me All Night Long, Whole Lotta Love, Won'T Get Fooled Again, Walk This Way, Eye Of The Tiger, Back In Black, You Really Got Me, and Highway To Hell.


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