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Eye Of The Tiger

Hard Rock
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song from
  • 1982
  • 2012
  • 1985
  • 1998
  • 1981

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“Eye of the Tiger” is a song from the album Eye of the Tiger of the American rock band Survivor, released as a single in 1982, same year as the album. It was written by the request of actor Sylvester Stallone who was unable to get permission for “Another One Bites the Dust”, a song from the British rock band Queen. The song was to be the theme song for the movie Rocky III in which he was playing the main role. The movie version of the song is different than the album version because it features tiger growls. It gained tremendous MTV and radio airplay and topped charts worldwide in 1982. It is memorable for its guitar riff and anthemic chorus. In an interview with Songfacts, co-writer Jim Peterik explained the song’s title.
At first, we wondered if calling it... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ The eye of the tiger ... And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night ... And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger

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Most votes come from Greece, United States, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Norway, France, India, Brazil, and United Kingdom.


More songs by Survivor (See Charts): Didn’t Know It Was Love, Somewhere In America, High On You, I Can'T Hold Back, Poor Man'S Son, Moment Of Truth, Caught In The Game, Ever Since The World Began, The Search Is Over, and Burning Heart.

Popular in Hard Rock (See Charts): Sweet Child O' Mine, We Are The Champions, You Shook Me All Night Long, Whole Lotta Love, Won'T Get Fooled Again, Walk This Way, Back In Black, You Really Got Me, Highway To Hell, and Knockin' On Heaven'S Door.


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