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Red Hot Chili Peppers

Under The Bridge

Alternative Rock
  • Rock
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  • Bass
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  • Other
song from
  • 1992
  • 1991
  • 2012
  • 1994
  • 1952

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“Under the Bridge” is a song by the American alternative rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the second single from the group’s fifth studio album Blood Sugar Sex Magik, released on March 13, 1992. The lyrics were originally written as a means for vocalist Anthony Kiedis to express a feeling of loneliness and despondency, and as a reflection on narcotics and how it impacted his life. Kiedis initially did not feel “Under the Bridge” would fit into the Chili Peppers’ repertoire, and was reluctant to show it to his band mates until producer Rick Rubin implored him to do so. The rest of the band was receptive to the poem and wrote the music to accompany Kiedis’ words. “Under the Bridge” became both a critical and commercial success. In 1992 the song peaked at number two on... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Take me to the place I love ... Like I did that day ... Under the bridge

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More songs by Red Hot Chili Peppers (See Charts): Purple Stain, Show Me Your Soul, Flea Fly, Walkabout, I Could Have Lied, Desecration Smile, Soul To Squeeze, Easily, Stranded, and Hump De Bump.

Popular in Alternative Rock (See Charts): Paranoid Android, Clocks, Yellow, Fix You, Californication, What I'Ve Done, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Viva La Vida, Times Like These, and Fake Plastic Trees.


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