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Vermilion Pt. 2

  • Metal
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Acoustic
  • Alternative
song from
  • 2004
  • 2001
  • 2010
  • 2009
  • 1995

Alternative video Spotify
“Vermilion” is a song by American metal band Slipknot. The song is released as the second single from their third album, . When the band plays the song live, they switch from their ordinary masks and wear their alternative “death masks”, which is an actual cast of each member’s face. However, during the All Hope Is Gone tour, most members, with the exception of bassist Paul Gray, Craig Jones, and Sid Wilson did not wear the death masks for the song. The song includes a follow-up entitled “Vermilion Pt. 2” which is a continuation of the first part. Read on...

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Most votes come from Brazil, United Kingdom, United States, Mexico, Argentina, and Uruguay.


More songs by Slipknot (See Charts): Sarcastrophe, Spit It Out, Snuff, People=shit, Vermillion, Psychosocial, Duality, Wait And Bleed, Dead Memories, and Before I Forget.

Popular in Acoustic (See Charts): Creep, Don'T Look Back In Anger, Time Of Your Life (Good Riddance), Layla, Nightswimming, Play Crack The Sky, I Follow Rivers, The Middle, Boss Dj, and Adia.


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