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God Fearing Man

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  • 1968
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At Your Birthday Party is the third studio album by Steppenwolf, released in 1969 (see 1969 in music) on the label ABC Dunhill Records. It was the first Steppenwolf album to feature bass player Nick St. Nicholas. Although it was less critically acclaimed than their successful first two albums, Steppenwolf and The Second, it contains a few well-known hits, such as “It’s Never Too Late” and “Jupiter’s Child”, as well as “Rock Me,“ which had been featured in the 1968 film Candy. Although the band would be very successful in the early 1970s, At Your Birthday Party was to be their last top ten album and features their last top ten single. The album showcases Steppenwolf coming out of, but not yet completely abandoning, the psychedelia of Steppenwolf the Second and stepping... Read on...

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More songs by Steppenwolf (See Charts): Justice Don'T Be Slow, Round And Down, Smokey Factory Blues, Take What You Need, It'S Never Too Late, Everybody'S Next One, The Ostrich, Desperation, Don'T Step On The Grass, Sam, and Gang War Blues.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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