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Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble

Little Wing / Third Stone From The Sun (Live)

  • Opera
  • Blues
  • Blues Rock
  • Electric Blues
  • Texas Blues
song from
  • 2000
  • 2011
  • 2014
  • 2015

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Stephen Ray Vaughan (October 3, 1954 – August 27, 1990), known as Stevie Ray Vaughan, was an American musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer. In spite of a short-lived mainstream career spanning seven years, he is widely considered one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of blues music, and one of the most important figures in the revival of blues in the 1980s. AllMusic describes him as “a rocking powerhouse of a guitarist who gave blues a burst of momentum in the ‘80s, with influence still felt long after his tragic death.“ Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Vaughan began playing guitar at the age of seven, inspired by his older brother Jimmie. In 1971 he dropped out of high school, and moved to Austin the following year. He played gigs with... Read on...

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More songs by Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble (See Charts): Tell Me, Couldn'T Stand The Weather, Change It, Pride And Joy, Willie The Wimp, Empty Arms, Gone Home, The Sky Is Crying, Rude Mood, and Voodoo Child.

Popular in Opera (See Charts): Nessun Dorma, The Prophet'S Song, Time To Say Goodbye, Vincero, I'M In Love With My Car, Fais Ce Que Je Dis (Pas Ce Que Je Fais), Opinião, Sunny Side Of Heaven, Death On Two Legs, and Uns Versos.


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