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Date Rape

  • Rock
  • Punk
  • Alternative
  • Ska
  • Space
song from
  • 1988
  • 1992
  • 1995
  • 2002
  • 1996

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“Date Rape” is a song by the band Sublime originally recorded for their 1992 debut album, 40 Oz. to Freedom. It was not released as a single until 1995 after the Los Angeles radio station KROQ began adding it into their playlists and it quickly became one of their most requested songs. Bradley Nowell explained, “I’ve never raped anyone at least as far as I can remember. We were at a party a long time ago and we were all talking about how much date rape sucked. This guy was like, ‘Date rape isn’t so bad; if it wasn’t for date rape I’d never get laid.‘ Everyone at the party was bummed out about it, but I was cracking up and I wrote a funny song about it.“ Humorous in tone, the song ends with the victimizer being sent to prison and being humiliatingly anally raped by a... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ She didn't want to ... They locked him up and threw away the key ... That's when things got out of control

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More songs by Sublime (See Charts): Badfish, Wrong Way, Greatest Hits, What I Got, Santeria, and Boss Dj.

Popular in Punk (See Charts): Going Underground, Peaches, Hanging Around, Nice & Sleazy, White Riot, Pretty Fly, This Is England, Blitzkrieg Bop, Killing Moon, and I Wanna Be Sedated.


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