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The Knife

Marble House

  • House
  • Dance
  • Electronic
  • Alternative
  • Space
song from
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 1999
  • 1978

Alternative video Spotify
“Marble House” is the second single from The Knife’s 2006 album Silent Shout. It was released in four different regions on four different labels. It features Swedish singer Jay-Jay Johanson. The music video was directed by Chris Hopewell. The melody of Marble House is markedly similar to the song Dark Eyes. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Another kind of love it's easy to forget ... We have a thing in common this was meant to be ... The moment we believe that we have never met

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Most votes come from Bosnia and Herzegowina, Sweden, and Latvia.


Popular in House (See Charts): Sinnerman (Felix Da Housecat'S Heavenly), Me Against The Music, One More Time, Lady (Hear Me Tonight), Around The World, Stereo Love, Prayer In C, Played-A-Live, Sloth, and Raining Again (Steve Angello Remix).


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