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The Merton Parkas

Plastic Smile

  • Revival
  • Dance
  • Pop
  • Punk
  • Rock
song from
  • 2008
  • 2013
  • 2000
  • 1980
  • 2007

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The Merton Parkas were a mod revival band, formed in the Merton area of South London in the mid-1970s, by Danny Talbot (vocals and guitar), his brother, Mick Talbot (keyboards), Neil Hurrell (bass) and Simon Smith (drums). They signed with the independent record label, Beggars Banquet. They were discovered playing in a pub in Clapham, South London by Alan Anger,punk journalist. Their name at first was The Sneekers and they were a part of the Powerpop bands that included The Pleasers. The Merton Parkas released a few moderately successful singles, such as: “You Need Wheels”, “Plastic Smile”, “Give it to Me Now” and “Put Me in the Picture”. They also released one album, Face in the Crowd. Rick Buckler of The Jam played with the band at Ronnie Scotts and Mick Talbot appeared... Read on...

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More songs by The Merton Parkas (See Charts): Give It To Me Now, Put Me In The Picture, and You Need Wheels.

Popular in Revival (See Charts): Who'Ll Stop The Rain, Lookin Out My Back Door, Green River, As Long As I Can See The Light, Cottonfields, Sweet Hitch-Hiker, Lodi, Centerfield, Long As I Can See The Light, and Keep On Chooglin'.


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