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ø 4.7 at 130 votes
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Andrea Bocelli

Con Te Partiro

  • Classical
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Other
  • Musical
song from
  • 1995
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 2000
  • 1958

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“Con te partirò“ (literally meaning “With you I will leave”) is an Italian Classical Crossover song written by Francesco Sartori (music) and Lucio Quarantotto (lyrics). It was first sung by Andrea Bocelli at the 1995 San Remo Festival and recorded on his album of the same year, Bocelli. The single was first released as an A-side single with “Vivere” in 1995, topping the charts, first in France, where it became one of the best selling singles of all time, and then in Belgium, breaking the all-time record sales there. A second version of the song, sung partly in English, released as “Time to Say Goodbye”, paired Bocelli with English soprano Sarah Brightman, and achieved even greater success, topping charts all across Europe, including Germany, where it became the... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Con te partiro ... With you i will leave ... On ships across seas

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Most votes come from Norway, Hungary, United States, Romania, Latvia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, France, and Sweden.


More songs by Andrea Bocelli (See Charts): Ave Maria, and Por Ti Volare.

Popular in Classical (See Charts): Ode To Joy, Nutcracker, Asturias Leyenda, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Por Ti Volare, Canon, Je Te Veux, Big Stones, Star Wars (Main Theme), and Die Moldau (Vltava).


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