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Johann Pachelbel


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  • Symphony
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  • 1992
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  • 2000
  • 1993

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“Pachelbel” redirects here. For other composers named Pachelbel, see Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel and Charles Theodore Pachelbel. For Johann’s daughter, see Amalia Pachelbel. Johann Pachelbel (, , or ; baptized September 1, 1653 – buried March 9, 1706) was a German Baroque composer, organist and teacher, who brought the south German organ tradition to its peak. He composed a large body of sacred and secular music, and his contributions to the development of the chorale prelude and fugue have earned him a place among the most important composers of the middle Baroque era. Pachelbel’s work enjoyed enormous popularity during his lifetime; he had many pupils and his music became a model for the composers of south and central Germany. Today, Pachelbel is best known for the... Read on...

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Most votes come from Brazil, Spain, Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, Colombia, and France.


More songs by Johann Pachelbel (See Charts): Canon In D, and Canon In D Major.

Popular in Classical (See Charts): Ode To Joy, Con Te Partiro, Nutcracker, Asturias Leyenda, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Por Ti Volare, Je Te Veux, Big Stones, Star Wars (Main Theme), and Die Moldau (Vltava).


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