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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

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The Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525 was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1787. The work is more commonly known by the title Eine kleine Nachtmusik. The German title means “a little serenade”, though it is often rendered more literally but less accurately as “a little night music”. The work is written for a chamber ensemble of two violins, viola, and cello with optional double bass, but is often performed by string orchestras. Read on...

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Most votes come from Norway, Australia, Germany, Colombia, Finland, Turkey, Venezuela, and Bolivia.


More songs by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (See Charts): Sonata In C Major, Türkischer Marsch, Lacrimosa, and Pequeña Serenata Nocturna.

Popular in Classical (See Charts): Ode To Joy, Con Te Partiro, Nutcracker, Asturias Leyenda, Por Ti Volare, Canon, Je Te Veux, Big Stones, Star Wars (Main Theme), and Die Moldau (Vltava).


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