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ø 3.9 at 86 votes
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Blink 182

What'S My Age Again?

Pop Punk
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Punk
  • Space
  • Soundtrack
song from
  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2005

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“What’s My Age Again?“ is the first single released from Blink-182’s third album Enema of the State. Originally released in 1999, it was re-released following the success of “All the Small Things”. Mark Hoppus said of the title, “The song originally was called “Peter Pan Complex” (see Peter Pan syndrome) but the label didn’t want us to call it that because they thought people wouldn’t get it. It was one of those things that, later, we got pissed about because we felt we should have left it called that.“ Despite being a fixture in almost all of Blink-182’s live show setlists, Tom Delonge, (lead guitarist) was known to comment on the difficulty of the song to the audience before it... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ What's my age again ... My friends say I should act my age ... Nobody loves you when your 23

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Most votes come from United States, Italy, Germany, Australia, France, Spain, Brazil, Austria, Mexico, and Greece.


More songs by Blink 182 (See Charts): Stay Together For The Kids, Aliens Exist, All The Small Things, Feeling This, Carousel, Always, The Rock Show, Touchdown Boy, Dammit (Growing Up), and Man Overboard.

Popular in Pop Punk (See Charts): When I Come Around, Aliens Exist, Hero/heroine, and It'S Just Porn Mum.


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