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ø 4 at 77 votes
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Damien Rice

The Blower'S Daughter

  • Folk
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Acoustic
song from
  • 2001
  • 2010
  • 1973
  • 2002
  • 2003

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O is the name of Damien Rice’s first album, originally released in 2002. Released in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom on 1 February, it has since gone platinum in the Republic of Ireland. “The Blower’s Daughter” which was released in September 2001, before the album itself was completed, entered the top 20 in the Irish charts. Rice wanted to make the album without the backing of a major record label, believing if he signed such a deal it would compromise his future work, forcing him to move in directions he did not wish to. According to Damien Rice, there is no special meaning in the name of the album. Reportedly, the name came to him during a bicycle incident and he enjoyed it. However, the lyrics of the song “Amie” mention “the Story of O,“ presumably a... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I can't take my eyes off you ... And so it is ... I can't take my eyes off of you

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More songs by Damien Rice (See Charts): The Animals Were Gone, I Remember, Delicate, Cannonball, Cold Water, Volcano, Older Chests, Amie, Cheers Darlin', and Eskimo.

Popular in Folk (See Charts): Blowin' In The Wind, Don'T Think Twice It'S Alright, Father And Son, Banana Boat Song, I Want You, Suzanne, Vincent, Positively 4th Street, Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands, and I Don'T Want To Talk About It / First Cut Is The Deepest.


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