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Diana Ross

Why Do Fools Fall In Love

  • Soul
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  • Oldies
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  • R&b
  • Adult Contemporary
song from
  • 1981
  • 2005
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 2010

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Why Do Fools Fall in Love is a 1981 album by American singer Diana Ross on the RCA label. It reached #15 in the USA (#4 R&B), #17 in the UK and the top ten in Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. It was the first album Ross recorded after leaving the Motown label, when she signed a $20 million deal with RCA. Originally, Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards were slated to produce the follow-up to the platinum Diana album. However, their schedules were filled with commitments to also produce Debbie Harry’s solo debut, Johnny Mathis and another Chic album. Ross had given her word to RCA president, Robert Summers to deliver an album for the 1981 holiday selling season. The album was the first to be produced by the singer herself, and it became her second RIAA-certified platinum album (That... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Why does the rain fall from up above ... Why do they fall in love

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More songs by Diana Ross (See Charts): One Love In My Lifetime, Eaten Alive, Remember Me, Work That Body, I Will Survive, You Are Everything, You Keep Me Hangin' On, Gettin' Ready For Love, Baby Love, and Where Did Our Love Go.

Popular in Soul (See Charts): On The Line, Music And Me, Fall Again, I'Ll Be There, It'S A Man'S Man'S World, Stand By Me, I Got You (I Feel Good), (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay, Upside Down, and Isn'T She Lovely.


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