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Dire Straits

Love Over Gold

  • Rock
  • Pop
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  • Other
  • Swing
song from
  • 1982
  • 1986
  • 1985
  • 1977
  • 1983

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“Love over Gold” is the title track for the 1982 album Love over Gold by the rock band Dire Straits. The song is the closest song to reveal any blues characteristics on a relatively progressive album; it is also jazz-tinged in that it prominently features a vibraphone part played by Mike Mainieri. In February 1984 a live version of “Love over Gold” was released as a single in the UK to coincide with the upcoming release of the band’s live album , which appeared the following month. The song was included on the compact disc version of Alchemy but not on the original vinyl. It was also the B-side of the 1985 hit single “Money For Nothing” and appeared on the 1998 compilation, . The original studio album version of the track was included on the 2005 compilation . Read on...

Song lines: ♪ And caution to the wind

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Most votes come from Argentina, and Italy.


More songs by Dire Straits (See Charts): Setting Me Up, It Never Rains, One World, Once Upon A Time In The West, Six Blade Knife, Down To The Waterline, Ride Across The River, Where Do You Think You'Re Going, Your Latest Trick, and News.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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