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Georges Moustaki

Le Droit À La Paresse

  • Chanson
  • Musical
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Rock
song from
  • 1976
  • 1998
  • 1956
  • 2010
  • 2011

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Salut les copains is a series of albums released through Universal Music France to commemorate the best of music featured in French scene as sponsored by “salut les copain” radio program in France and the French Salut les copains magazine. The tracks include French original singles, French-language covers of known hits as well as European and American hits popular in France. The tracklist is a representative wide selection of the “Yé-yé“ generation of French music. Read on...

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More songs by Georges Moustaki (See Charts): Ma Solitude, Il Y Avait Un Jardin, Le Temps De Vivre, Ma Liberté, Le Facteur, Chanson Pour Elle, and Le Meteque.

Popular in Space (See Charts): Live Forever, Milord, Face A La Mer, Je Veux, Nothing'S Impossible, Après La Pluie, A Forest, Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You), Looking Inwardly, and Peace Sells.


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