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Georges Moustaki

Le Facteur

  • Other
  • Chanson
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Folk
song from
  • 1989
  • 2000
  • 1986
  • 1965
  • 1934

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Yussef Mustacchi, known as Georges Moustaki , (born in Alexandria, Egypt May 3, 1934) is a French singer and songwriter of Italo-Greek Jewish origin, best known for his poetic rhythm, eloquent simplicity and his hundreds of romantic songs. He has written songs for Édith Piaf (including “Milord”), Dalida (including Gigi l’amoroso), Françoise Hardy, Barbara, Brigitte Fontaine, Herbert Pagani, France Gall, and Cindy Daniel, as well as for himself. Read on...

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Most votes come from Portugal, and Greece.


More songs by Georges Moustaki (See Charts): Ma Solitude, Le Droit À La Paresse, Il Y Avait Un Jardin, Le Temps De Vivre, Ma Liberté, Chanson Pour Elle, and Le Meteque.

Popular in Chanson (See Charts): Sous Le Ciel De Paris, Le Meteque, Moi...lolita, Ella Elle L'A, Feeling The Moment, Oh! Ma Jolie Sarah, Chanson Pour Elle, Un Autre Monde, Tous Ensemble, and Vivre Pour Le Meilleur.


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