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Georges Moustaki

Ma Liberté

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Maxime Le Forestier (born February 10, 1949 as Bruno Le Forestier) is a French singer. He was born in Paris to an English father and a French mother who had lived in England. He had two older sisters, Anne and Catherine. His musical training started on the violin. He attended the Lycée Condorcet, where he studied literature. In 1965, he formed a duo (Cat et Maxime) with his sister Catherine. Playing at cabaret venues on Paris’ Left Bank, the pair met and formed a friendship with Georges Moustaki. They were amongst the first artists to cover a number of songs by Moustaki - including Ma Liberté and Ma Solitude. In 1968, Catherine joined Moustaki as a backing singer. Le Forestier began to focus on songwriting and composed Ballade pour un traître which was recorded and released by... Read on...

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More songs by Georges Moustaki (See Charts): Ma Solitude, Le Droit À La Paresse, Il Y Avait Un Jardin, Le Temps De Vivre, Le Facteur, Chanson Pour Elle, and Le Meteque.

Popular in Chanson (See Charts): Sous Le Ciel De Paris, Le Meteque, Moi...lolita, Ella Elle L'A, Feeling The Moment, Oh! Ma Jolie Sarah, Chanson Pour Elle, Un Autre Monde, Tous Ensemble, and Vivre Pour Le Meilleur.


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