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Grand Funk Railroad

Bad Time

  • Funk
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Metal
  • Oldies
  • Hard Rock
  • Blues Rock
song from
  • 2009
  • 2006
  • 1974
  • 2013
  • 1969

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Grand Funk Railroad (also known as Grand Funk) is an American blues rock band that was highly popular during the 1970s. Grand Funk Railroad toured to packed arenas worldwide. David Fricke of Rolling Stone magazine once said, “You cannot talk about rock in the 1970’s without talking about Grand Funk Railroad!“. A popular take on the band during its heyday was that they were well-regarded by audiences despite a relative lack of critical acclaim. The band’s name is a play on words of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad, a railroad line that ran through the band’s home town of Flint, Michigan. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ A bad time to be in love ... I'm in love with the girl, I can't live without ... To be in love

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More songs by Grand Funk Railroad (See Charts): Take Me, Gimme Shelter, Mean Mistreater, Walk Like A Man, People Let'S Stop The War, Aimless Lady, Closer To Home, Shinin' On, Footstompin' Music, and Paranoid.

Popular in Funk (See Charts): Unbreakable, When Doves Cry, I Wish, Sir Duke, Summertime Clothes, You Haven'T Done Nothin', Sometimes It'S Snows In April, Ain'T Nobody, I Feel For You, and Sex Machine.


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