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Jean Michel Jarre

Last Rendez-Vous

  • Electronic
  • Space
  • Instrumental
  • Soul
  • New Age
  • Electronica
  • Space Music
  • Synthpop
song from
  • 1986
  • 1967
  • 2012
  • 1978
  • 2000

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Rendez-vous is an album of instrumental electronic music composed and produced by Jean Michel Jarre, and released on Disques Dreyfus, licensed to Polydor, in 1986. It is his fifth overall studio album. It sold some three million copies worldwide and remains Jarre’s longest-running chart album in both the U.S. and UK, with a 20 week run in the U.S. and an impressive 38 week run in the UK. The last track on the album was supposed to have the saxophone part played in outer space by astronaut Ron McNair, but on 28 January 1986, 73 seconds after lift-off, the shuttle disintegrated and the entire Space Shuttle Challenger crew were killed. In memory, this piece was dedicated to him. On the album the saxophone part is played by saxophonist Pierre Gossez. The album reached #9 in the UK charts... Read on...

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Most votes come from Greece, and Romania.


More songs by Jean Michel Jarre (See Charts): Oxygene 4, and Souvenir Of China.

Popular in Electronic (See Charts): Computer Love, Idioteque, Oxygene 4, Firestarter, Born Slippy, Human Behaviour, Trans Europe Express, Silence (Remix), Teardrop, and Stolen Dance.


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