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ø 4.5 at 25 votes
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Born Slippy

  • Trance
  • Electronic
  • House
  • Dance
  • Space
song from
  • 2011
  • 1996
  • 2003
  • 1992
  • 2006

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“Born Slippy” is a single by Underworld, originally released in 1995 and has never appeared on an album by the group. The track is instrumental and features no lyrics. Despite this, it is often confused with the more popular vocal track, “Born Slippy .NUXX”, because of the similar name. However, they are completely different in composition and sound. The single peaked on the UK Singles Chart at #52. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Mega mega white thing ... Shouting ... I've grown so close to you

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Most votes come from Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Malta, Czech Republic, Colombia, Canada, Belgium, Greece, and France.


More songs by Underworld (See Charts): Two Months Off, Me, M.e., Dark & Long, and Born Slippy .nuxx.

Popular in Electronic (See Charts): Computer Love, Idioteque, Oxygene 4, Last Rendez-Vous, Firestarter, Human Behaviour, Trans Europe Express, Silence (Remix), Teardrop, and Stolen Dance.


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