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ø 4.9 at 62 votes
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Jean Michel Jarre

Oxygene 4

  • Electronic
  • Space
  • New Age
  • Ambient
  • Other
song from
  • 1977
  • 1976
  • 2000
  • 1978
  • 2008

Jean Michel André Jarre (born 24 August 1948) is a French composer, performer and music producer. He is a pioneer in the electronic, synthpop, ambient and New Age genres, and known as an organiser of outdoor spectacles of his music featuring lights, laser displays, and fireworks. Jarre was raised in Lyon by his mother and grandparents, and trained on the piano. From an early age he was introduced to a variety of art forms, including those of street performers, jazz musicians, and the artist Pierre Soulages. He played guitar in a band, but his musical style was perhaps most heavily influenced by Pierre Schaeffer, a pioneer of musique concrète at the Groupe de Recherches Musicales. His first mainstream success was the 1976 album Oxygène. Recorded in a makeshift studio at his home, the... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I will be going no ... I will be goin' nowhere ... I will be going nowhere, nowhere fast

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Most votes come from Greece, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Hungary, and Romania.


More songs by Jean Michel Jarre (See Charts): Last Rendez-Vous, and Souvenir Of China.

Popular in Electronic (See Charts): Computer Love, Idioteque, Last Rendez-Vous, Firestarter, Born Slippy, Human Behaviour, Trans Europe Express, Silence (Remix), Teardrop, and Stolen Dance.


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