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John Otway

We Rock

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Punk
  • Space
  • Jazz
song from
  • 2009
  • 1977
  • 1972
  • 2000
  • 2012

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A song is a musical composition that contains vocal parts (“lyrics”) that are performed (“sung”), commonly accompanied by musical instruments (exceptions would be a cappella songs). The lyrics of songs are typically of a poetic, rhyming nature, although they may be religious verses or free prose. Songs are typically for a solo singer, though they may also be in the form of a duet, trio, or composition involving more voices. (Works with more than one voice to a part, however, are considered choral.) Songs can be broadly divided into many different forms, depending on the criteria used. One division is between “art songs”, “pop songs”, and “folk songs”. Other common methods of classification are by purpose (sacred vs secular), by style (dance, ballad, Lied, etc), or by... Read on...

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More songs by John Otway (See Charts): In Dreams, Louisa On A Horse, Middle Of Winter, Cheryl: A Rock Opera, A413 Revisited, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Really Free, Bunsen Burner, Misty Mountain, and Best Dream.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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