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Led Zeppelin


Hard Rock
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song from
  • 1969
  • 1973
  • 1974
  • 1970
  • 1963

“Heartbreaker” is a song from English rock band Led Zeppelin’s 1969 album, Led Zeppelin II. It was credited to all four members of the band, having been recorded at A&R Studios, New York, during the band’s second concert tour of the United States, and was engineered by Eddie Kramer. “Heartbreaker” opens Side II of the album, and is famous for its memorable guitar riff by Jimmy Page, along with its unaccompanied solo, which he did not compose but rather improvised on the spot. It was voted as the 16th greatest guitar solo of all time by Guitar World magazine. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Heartbreaker

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This song is listed #320 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

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Most votes come from United States, France, Turkey, El Salvador, Spain, Australia, Finland, Canada, and Argentina.


More songs by Led Zeppelin (See Charts): I’m Gonna Crawl, I Can'T Quit You Baby, Trampled Underfoot, Dancing Days, Royal Orleans (Reference Mix), Bonzo’s Montreux (Mix Construction In Progress), Sick Again, Celebration Day, For Your Life (Reference Mix), and Black Mountain Side.

Popular in Hard Rock (See Charts): Sweet Child O' Mine, We Are The Champions, You Shook Me All Night Long, Whole Lotta Love, Won'T Get Fooled Again, Walk This Way, Eye Of The Tiger, Back In Black, You Really Got Me, and Highway To Hell.


Danny wrote on July, 30th 2019 at 2:25am:
Best song ever.

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