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ø 4.9 at 76 votes
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Lou Reed

Perfect Day

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Metal
  • Dance
song from
  • 2010
  • 1972
  • 1997
  • 2012
  • 1995

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Perfect Day or A Perfect Day may refer to: In music: *Perfect Day (Lou Reed album), a compilation album **“Perfect Day” (Lou Reed song), a song by Lou Reed, covered many times *Perfect Day (Cascada album), 2007 album **“Perfect Day” (Cascada song), a 2008 single *“Perfect Day” (EMF song), a 1995 song from Cha Cha Cha *“A Perfect Day (song)“, a song by Carrie Jacobs-Bond, composed 1909 and published 1910 *A Perfect Day (album), a 2005 album by Stefanie Sun *“Perfect Day” (Chris Whitley album), a 2000 album *“Perfect Day” (Jim Jones song), a 2011 single from Capo *“Perfect Day”, a song by Miriam Stockley featured in The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends *“Perfect Day”, a song by Mozingo from the soundtrack *“Perfect Day”, a 1991 song by Roxette from... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Just a perfect day ... You just keep me hanging on ... You're going to reap just what you sow

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Most votes come from Greece, Italy, Finland, Germany, Turkey, Australia, United States, France, Spain, and Netherlands.


More songs by Lou Reed (See Charts): Modern Dance, Good Evening Mr. Waldheim, Teach The Gifted Children, My Love Is Chemical, Coney Island Baby, Tell It To Your Heart, Rock And Roll, No Money Down, Andy'S Chest, and Goodnight Ladies.

Popular in Soundtrack (See Charts): How Deep Is Your Love, La Valse D'Amelie, Stayin' Alive, Come What May, Blasted Empire, Mad World, Are Friends Electric, Tammy, Breaking Of The Fellowship, and Uninvited.


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