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Who'S That Girl

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“Bad Girl” is a song by Madonna, released as the third single from her 1992 studio album Erotica. It was released in February 1993 by Maverick Records. The music video to accompany the single was directed by David Fincher who had previously collaborated on Madonna’s “Express Yourself”, “Oh Father” and “Vogue” videos. It also features the American actor Christopher Walken who plays “a guardian angel (or the angel of death).“ Madonna has only ever performed the song live once during an appearance on Saturday Night Live in January 1993. In North America the single included remixes of the album track “Fever,“ which was released independently in Europe as the fourth single from Erotica. The single was released a month after the controversial erotic thriller Body... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Quien es esa nina, who's that girl ... Senorita, mas fina, who's that girl

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More songs by Madonna (See Charts): This Used To Be My Playground, Justify My Love, I'Ll Remember, Drowned World, Give It 2 Me, Don'T Tell Me, You Must Love Me, Burning Up, Live To Tell, and Borderline.

Popular in Soundtrack (See Charts): Perfect Day, How Deep Is Your Love, La Valse D'Amelie, Stayin' Alive, Come What May, Blasted Empire, Mad World, Are Friends Electric, Tammy, and Breaking Of The Fellowship.


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