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All Apologies

  • Rock
  • Grunge
  • Space
  • Other
  • Alternative
song from
  • 1993
  • 1992
  • 1994
  • 1990
  • 2011

“All Apologies” is a song by the American grunge band Nirvana, written by frontman Kurt Cobain. It was released as the second single (as a double A-side with “Rape Me”) from the band’s third album, In Utero, which was released on September 21, 1993. “All Apologies” was the band’s third number one Modern Rock hit and reached number 32 on the UK Singles Chart. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ All in all is all we are ... Married, buried ... What else should I be? All apologies

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This song is listed #455 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

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Most votes come from Greece, United States, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Brazil, France, Ecuador, Germany, and United Kingdom.


More songs by Nirvana (See Charts): Orange And Blue, Rainbow Chaser, They Hung Him On A Cross, Anorexorcist, Dive, Mexican Seafood, Big Long Now, Grey Goose, Even In His Youth, and White Lace And Strange.


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