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ø 4 at 309 votes
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Heart-Shaped Box

  • Rock
  • Grunge
  • Other
  • Space
  • Alternative
song from
  • 1993
  • 2011
  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1994

Alternative video Spotify
“Heart-Shaped Box” is a song by the American grunge band Nirvana, written by vocalist and guitarist Kurt Cobain. The song was released as the first single from the group’s third and final studio album, In Utero, in 1993. It was one of two songs from the album mixed by Scott Litt in order to augment the original production by producer Steve Albini. While Nirvana’s label DGC Records did not release a physical single for sale in the United States, “Heart-Shaped Box” received much American radio airplay, reaching number one on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart. The international release of the single reached number five in the United Kingdom. The song’s music video, directed by Anton Corbijn, garnered critical plaudits. Read on...

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Most votes come from Greece, United States, Portugal, Australia, Norway, Turkey, Argentina, Italy, Germany, and France.


More songs by Nirvana (See Charts): Orange And Blue, Rainbow Chaser, White Lace And Strange, Big Long Now, Swap Meet, Sifting, Big Cheese, Dive, Turnaround, and Mexican Seafood.

Popular in Grunge (See Charts): Smells Like Teen Spirit, Black Hole Sun, Come As You Are, In Bloom, You Know You'Re Right, Rape Me, Spoonman, Aneurysm, Sliver, and Outshined.


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