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ø 4.2 at 324 votes
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Pink Floyd


Progressive Rock
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song from
  • 1973
  • 1994
  • 1981
  • 1972
  • 1970

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described as “one of the most memorable classic bass riffs ever recorded.“]] “Money” is the sixth track from English progressive rock band Pink Floyd’s 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon. Written by bassist Roger Waters, it opened side two of the original vinyl LP, and is the only song on the album to enter the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100. “Money” is particularly notable for its unusual 7/4–4/4 time signature, its distinctive bassline and the seven-beat “loop” of money-related sound effects that opens the track: coins clinking, a cash register ringing, etc. Read on...

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Most votes come from Argentina, United States, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Greece, France, and Canada.


More songs by Pink Floyd (See Charts): Crumbling Land, It Would Be So Nice, Paint Box, Louder Than Words, Allons-Y, Cymbaline, Apples And Oranges, Point Me At The Sky, A New Machine Part 2, and Jugband Blues.

Popular in Progressive Rock (See Charts): Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb, Time, Have A Cigar, Echoes, Freewill, Aqualung, Roundabout, Close To The Edge, and Schism.


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