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ø 4.1 at 248 votes
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“Freewill” (Sometimes written as “Free Will”) is the second track on progressive rock band Rush’s 1980 album Permanent Waves. It is written by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson with lyrics by Neil Peart. The song’s lyrics deal with the subject of free will, emphasizing that free will is not a gift but rather a choice; explaining that Man can attempt to evade the fact that he must choose, but that evasion is itself a choice. Geddy Lee has stated that the end part of “Freewill” is at the highest part of his vocal range. Read on...

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Most votes come from United States, Greece, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, India, Canada, France, Portugal, and Norway.


More songs by Rush (See Charts): Something For Nothing, Distant Early Warning, The Garden, Mission, The Big Money, Prime Mover, Making Memories, Digital Man, Turn The Page, and Chemistry.

Popular in Progressive Rock (See Charts): Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb, Time, Have A Cigar, Money, Echoes, Aqualung, Roundabout, Close To The Edge, and Schism.


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