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ø 4.2 at 32 votes
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March Of The Black Queen

  • Rock
  • Game
  • Space
  • Blues
  • Progressive Rock
song from
  • 1974
  • 2011
  • 1975
  • 1973
  • 1906

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Queen II is the second album by British rock group Queen, released in March 1974. It was recorded at Trident Studios, London in August 1973 with co-producers Roy Thomas Baker and Robin Cable, and engineered by Mike Stone. The two sides of the original LP were labelled “Side White” and “Side Black” (instead of the conventional sides “1” and “2”), with corresponding photos of the band dressed in white or in black on either side of the record’s label face. It is also a concept album, with the white side having songs with a more emotional theme and the black side almost entirely about fantasy, often with quite dark themes. Mick Rock’s album cover photograph was frequently re-used by the band throughout its career, most notably in the music video for the song “Bohemian... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Ah ah ah ah ah ... A little bit of love and joy

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Most votes come from South Africa, Germany, United States, Austria, Spain, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Reserved, Belgium, and Russia.


More songs by Queen (See Charts): I’m Going Slightly Mad, Cool Cat, Was It All Worth It, Back Chat, Some Day One Day, Dragon Attack, Play The Game, Fun It, Wants To Live Forever, and One Vision.

Popular in Rock (See Charts): Bohemian Rhapsody, Stairway To Heaven, Beat It, Give In To Me, Wherever You Will Go, Stigmatized, Nothing'S Changed, Hotel California, Imagine, and Nothing Else Matters.


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