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ø 4.9 at 241 votes
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The Jacksons


  • Pop
  • Soul
  • Rock
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  • Oldies
song from
  • 1984
  • 2009
  • 1983
  • 1989
  • 1990

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“Torture” is the second single released off the album Victory by the band, The Jacksons. Written by Jackie Jackson and fellow Motown veteran Kathy Wakefield, the song is about someone ending a relationship, and the torture that a person can receive whilst trying to end it. Jackie was originally going to sing the song with his brother, Michael, but Jackie’s role instead went to Jermaine Jackson, whose availability for the album was in question until the last minute. The rest of the Jacksons sang the chorus along with Michael and Jermaine. The song received a mixed reaction from critics. The music video was most well known for Michael not being available, in which case a dummy had to be put in his place throughout the video. Paula Abdul choreographed the video, in which various... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ It's torture, it's torture, it's torture ... It's torture ... Alone I walk in the night

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More songs by The Jacksons (See Charts): Heartbreak Hotel, Things I Do For You, Destiny, Lovely One, Everybody, Dreamer, Push Me Away, Show You The Way To Go, 2300 Jackson Street, and Walk Right Now.

Popular in Soul (See Charts): On The Line, Music And Me, Fall Again, I'Ll Be There, It'S A Man'S Man'S World, Stand By Me, I Got You (I Feel Good), (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay, Upside Down, and Isn'T She Lovely.


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