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ø 4.8 at 176 votes
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The Jacksons

Walk Right Now

  • Disco
  • Soul
  • Pop
  • Instrumental
  • Rock
song from
  • 1980
  • 1981
  • 1978
  • 1964
  • 1983

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“Walk Right Now” is a 1981 song written, produced and performed by The Jacksons and issued as the fourth and final single from the group’s popular album, Triumph. The song was written by Michael Jackson, Jackie Jackson and Randy Jackson and was a song in which a man was fed up with his lover’s excuses about how they can resolve their relationship despite the woman’s acts of infidelity towards him, therefore delivering the message, “walk right now/I’m not playing” in a chant-like phrase. When released, the song performed only modestly on US pop radio, peaking at a number seventy-three, but the song became a hit in the UK, where it peaked at number seven on the UK pop charts. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ I don't care, what you're saying ... Walk right now, I ain't playing ... Don't look back

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Most votes come from Argentina, Romania, Colombia, Norway, Greece, United States, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, and Germany.


More songs by The Jacksons (See Charts): Heartbreak Hotel, Things I Do For You, Destiny, Lovely One, Everybody, Dreamer, Push Me Away, Show You The Way To Go, 2300 Jackson Street, and Keep On Dancing.

Popular in Disco (See Charts): Off The Wall, Get On The Floor, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground), Burn This Disco Out, Blame It On The Boogie, Show You The Way To Go, I Like Chopin, I Feel Love, Puerto Rico, and Keep On Dancing.


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