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The Temptations

Papa Was A Rolling Stone

  • Soul
  • Funk
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Disco
song from
  • 1972
  • 2012
  • 1973
  • 1961
  • 1990

The Temptations are an American vocal group that achieved fame as one of the most successful acts to record for Motown. The group’s repertoire has included, at various times during its five-decade career, R&B, doo-wop, funk, disco, soul, and adult contemporary music. Formed in Detroit, Michigan in 1960 as The Elgins, the Temptations have always featured at least five male vocalists/dancers. The group, known for its recognizable choreography, distinct harmonies, and flashy onstage suits, has been said to be as influential to soul as The Beatles are to pop and rock. Having sold tens of millions of albums, the Temptations are one of the most successful groups in music history and were the definitive male vocal group of the 1960s. In addition, they have the second-longest tenure on Motown... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ And when he died) All he left us was ALONE ... Wherever he laid his hat was his home ... Papa was a rolling stone, my son

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This song is listed #168 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

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Most votes come from Norway, United States, Romania, Germany, Hungary, France, Russia, Latvia, Netherlands, and Sweden.


More songs by The Temptations (See Charts): Glass House, Do You Really Love Your Baby, Law Of The Land, I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You), Ungena Za Ulimwengu (Unite The World), Hey Girl (I Like Your Style), Plastic Man, (I Know) I'M Losing You, Let Your Hair Down, and The Way You Do The Things You Do.

Popular in Soul (See Charts): On The Line, Music And Me, Fall Again, I'Ll Be There, It'S A Man'S Man'S World, Stand By Me, I Got You (I Feel Good), (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay, Upside Down, and Isn'T She Lovely.


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