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ø 4.1 at 17 votes
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Within Temptation

Our Farewell

  • Gothic
  • Other
  • Acoustic
  • Metal
  • Space
song from
  • 1996
  • 2011
  • 2001
  • 2000
  • 1999

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Within Temptation is a Dutch metal/rock band founded in 1996 by vocalist Sharon den Adel and guitarist Robert Westerholt. Their music is described as symphonic metal, although their earlier material, such as Enter, was gothic metal. In an interview, Den Adel said they fell into a symphonic rock genre with various influences. In a later interview with 3VOOR12, Sharon stated that “we consider ourselves more a symphonic rock band ... we are in my opinion no gothic band”. After the release of their first album Enter, the band became prominent in the Dutch underground scene. It was not until 2001 that they became known to the general public, with the single “Ice Queen” from the album Mother Earth, which reached #2 on the Dutch charts. four years in a row. Their next album The Silent... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Is this our farewell ... Sweet darling, you worry too much, my child ... See the sadness in your eyes

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Most votes come from Brazil, Spain, Belgium, and Portugal.


More songs by Within Temptation (See Charts): Overcome, Never Ending Story, Forsaken, Bittersweet, Mother Earth, Restless, Ice Queen, Deceiver Of Fools, The Howling, and Stand My Ground.

Popular in Metal (See Charts): Master Of Puppets, One, Enter Sandman, Paranoid, Ghost Love Score, Emerald Sword, Wisdom Of The Kings, Phantom Of The Opera, Lateralus, and Stargazer.


Bobby wrote on January, 30th 2022 at 9:29pm:
Deceiver of fools! What an incredible moving song !I can listen to it over and over

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