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DNA & Suzanne Vega

Tom'S Diner

  • Dance
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  • Alternative
  • Rock
song from
  • 1990
  • 2010
  • 2008
  • 1991
  • 1994

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“Tom’s Diner” is a song written in 1981 by American singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega. It was first released as a track on the January 1984 issue of Fast Folk Musical Magazine. When first featured on one of her own studio albums, it appeared as the first track of her Solitude Standing album in 1987. It was later used as the basis for a popular remix by the British group DNA in 1990. The 1991 release Tom’s Album includes the DNA version as well as cover versions by such artists as After One, Chicago-based band Canasta, and Bingo Hand Job (R.E.M. and Billy Bragg). It was also used as the background soundtrack for the opening scene of the 1993 film Untamed Heart. Read on...

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