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ø 4.9 at 69 votes
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Frankie Goes To Hollywood


  • Pop
  • Dance
  • Rock
  • Space
  • Acapella
song from
  • 1984
  • 1983
  • 2011
  • 2009
  • 1985

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Frankie Goes to Hollywood (FGTH) were a British dance-pop band popular in the mid-1980s. The Liverpool, England group was fronted by Holly Johnson (vocals), with Paul Rutherford (vocals, keyboards), Peter Gill (drums, percussion), Mark O’Toole (bass guitar), and Brian Nash (guitar). The group’s debut single “Relax” was famously banned by the BBC in 1984 while at number six in the charts and subsequently topped the UK singles chart for five consecutive weeks, going on to enjoy prolonged chart success throughout that year and ultimately becoming the seventh best-selling UK single of all time (as of May 2006). After the follow-up success of “Two Tribes” and “The Power of Love,“ FGTH became only the second act in the history of the UK charts to reach number one with their... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Relax don't do it ... When you want to come ... When you want to go to it

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Most votes come from Greece, United States, Canada, Finland, Colombia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, and Italy.


More songs by Frankie Goes To Hollywood (See Charts): Welcome To The Pleasure Dome, Watching The Wildlife, Krisco Kisses, Two Tribes, Lunar Bay, Rage Hard, and The Power Of Love.

Popular in Club (See Charts): Un-Break My Heart, The Power Of Love, Nantes, I'M Your Man, Never Had A Dream Come True, Strong Enough, Tom'S Diner, Siesta, Kids (Soulwax Remix), and Cosmic Love.


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