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Florence and The Machine

Cosmic Love

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Instrumental
  • Other
song from
  • 2010
  • 2012
  • 2009
  • 1906
  • 1962

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Florence and the Machine (often stylised as Florence + the Machine) is the recording name of British indie rock artist Florence Welch and a collaboration of other artists who provide backing music for her voice. Florence and the Machine’s sound has been described as a combination of various genres, including rock and soul. The band’s music has received praise across the music media before they gained mainstream success, especially from the BBC who played a large part in Florence and the Machine’s rise to prominence by promoting her as part of BBC Introducing. The band’s debut album, Lungs, was released on 6 July 2009, and held the No. 2 position for its first five weeks in the UK Album Chart. On 17 January 2010, the album reached No. 1 on the UK album chart, having remained in... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ In the shadow of your heart ... You left me in the dark ... No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight

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Most votes come from Austria, United States, and Belgium.


More songs by Florence And The Machine (See Charts): Dog Days Are Over.

Popular in Club (See Charts): Un-Break My Heart, Relax, The Power Of Love, Nantes, I'M Your Man, Never Had A Dream Come True, Strong Enough, Tom'S Diner, Siesta, and Kids (Soulwax Remix).


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