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ø 4.2 at 6 votes
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Kids (Soulwax Remix)

  • Dance
  • House
  • Space
  • Electronic
  • Country
song from
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 1977

Alternative video
“Kids” is the third single from MGMT’s album Oracular Spectacular. It was released as a single on October 13, 2008. The song was the center of a legal dispute with the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, over the “insulting” compensation he offered for his illegal use of the song during a party conference. Rolling Stones Kevin O’Donnell described the song as, “a noisy New Order-style synth jam”. The version that appears on Oracular Spectacular is updated from earlier versions that appear on the group’s EPs Time to Pretend (2005) and We (Don’t) Care (2004). A track entitled “Kids (Afterschool Dance Megamix)“ appears on the album Climbing to New Lows (2005). On December 1, 2009, the track was announced as a nominee at the 52nd Grammy Awards in the category Best... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Take only what you need from him ... Enjoy yourself ... A family of trees wanting to be haunted

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Most votes come from Netherlands, France, Malta, United Kingdom, and United States.


More songs by Mgmt (See Charts): Weekend Wars, The Youth, The Handshake, Time To Pretend, and Electric Feel.

Popular in Club (See Charts): Un-Break My Heart, Relax, The Power Of Love, Nantes, I'M Your Man, Never Had A Dream Come True, Strong Enough, Tom'S Diner, Siesta, and Cosmic Love.


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