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Fabrizio De André

La Canzone Dell'Amore Perduto

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Space
  • Folk
  • Other
song from
  • 2001
  • 1968
  • 1999
  • 1940
  • 1981

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Fabrizio De André (18 February 1940 - 11 January 1999) was an Italian singer-songwriter. In his works he often told stories of marginalized and rebellious people, prostitutes and knaves, and attacked the hypocrisies of the Catholic Church. In Italy and in the rest of world he is considered a poet because of the quality of his lyrics. He was an atheist. Read on...

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More songs by Fabrizio De André (See Charts): Un Giudice, Bocca Di Rosa, Fiume Sand Creek, Dolcenera, Khorakhanè, Geordie, La Canzone Di Marinella, Amore Che Vieni Amore Che Vai, and Il Testamento Di Tito.

Popular in Folk (See Charts): Blowin' In The Wind, Don'T Think Twice It'S Alright, Father And Son, Banana Boat Song, I Want You, Suzanne, The Blower'S Daughter, Vincent, Positively 4th Street, and Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands.


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