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Iron Maiden

Fear Of The Dark

Heavy Metal
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song from
  • 1992
  • 1990
  • 1978
  • 1980
  • 1993

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“Fear of the Dark” is a song written by Steve Harris, bass player and main songwriter for Iron Maiden, as the title track to Iron Maiden’s 1992 album Fear of the Dark. This is the only song from the Fear of the Dark album to still be played in concerts today, although “Afraid to Shoot Strangers” was often played live until 1998. The single “Fear of the Dark (live)“ is the 26th single released by the band. This live version of the song (as well as the live version of “Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter”) is taken from the live album A Real Live One. The single reached number 5 in the UK charts. The live version of “Hooks in You” was recorded at the Wembley Arena, London, UK on 17 December 1990. When Iron Maiden plays this song live the crowd sings along and is... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Fear of the dark, fear of the dark ... I have constant fear that something's ... Always there

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Most votes come from Spain, Greece, Germany, Brazil, United States, Norway, Canada, United Kingdom, Chile, and Poland.


More songs by Iron Maiden (See Charts): Twilight Zone, The Book Of Souls, Empire Of The Clouds, If Eternity Should Fail, Aces High, Children Of The Damned, 22 Acacia Avenue, Sign Of The Cross, Powerslave, and Can I Play With Madness.

Popular in Heavy Metal (See Charts): The Unforgiven, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Iron Man, Sad But True, Run To The Hills, Courage, The Trooper, Still Loving You, The Unforgiven Ii, and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


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