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Iron Maiden

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Heavy Metal
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song from
  • 1982
  • 1993
  • 1992
  • 1980
  • 2012

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“Hallowed Be Thy Name” is a song written by Steve Harris for the 1982 Iron Maiden album The Number of The Beast. It is considered one of the best heavy metal songs of all time. The cover of the live version recorded in 1993 depicts Bruce Dickinson being impaled from behind by Eddie, in the form of Satan. The same idea of Eddie killing the departing vocalist had previously been used on the cover of the Venezuelan release of Maiden Japan (with him holding the severed head of Paul Di’Anno). This theme was also used during Bruce Dickinson’s farewell performance, during the Raising Hell concert, where horror Illusionist Simon Drake, after seemingly killing Dickinson in an iron maiden torture device, gets impaled by Eddie. The song has also been released as a live single from the 1993... Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah... Hallowed be Thy name

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Most votes come from Argentina, United States, Norway, Brazil, Greece, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, and India.


More songs by Iron Maiden (See Charts): Twilight Zone, The Book Of Souls, Empire Of The Clouds, If Eternity Should Fail, Aces High, Children Of The Damned, 22 Acacia Avenue, Dream Of Mirrors, Sign Of The Cross, and Lightning Strikes Twice.

Popular in Heavy Metal (See Charts): The Unforgiven, Iron Man, Fear Of The Dark, Sad But True, Run To The Hills, Courage, The Trooper, Still Loving You, The Unforgiven Ii, and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


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