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Johann Sebastian Bach

Cello Suite No. 6

  • Classical
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  • Tango
  • Soul
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  • 2011
  • 2003
  • 1949
  • 1938
  • 1995

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of Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007]] The Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach are some of the most performed and recognizable solo compositions ever written for cello. They were most likely composed during the period 1717–1723, when Bach served as a Kapellmeister in Cöthen. The suites contain a great variety of technical devices, a wide emotional range, and some of Bach’s most compelling voice interactions and conversations. It is their intimacy, however, that has made the suites amongst Bach’s most popular works today, resulting in their different recorded interpretations being fiercely defended by their respective advocates. The suites have been transcribed for numerous instruments, including the violin, viola, double bass, viola da gamba, mandolin,... Read on...

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More songs by Johann Sebastian Bach (See Charts): Capricio, Easter Oratorio, Mass In B Minor, Sonata For Violin And Harpsichord No. 1 In B Minor, Air On The G String, St. Matthew'S Passion, Jesu, Joy Of Man'S Desiring, and Toccata And Fugue In D Minor.

Popular in Classical (See Charts): Ode To Joy, Con Te Partiro, Nutcracker, Asturias Leyenda, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Por Ti Volare, Canon, Je Te Veux, Big Stones, and Star Wars (Main Theme).


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