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Judee Sill

The Donor

  • Folk
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  • Other
song from
  • 1972
  • 2009
  • 2007
  • 1973
  • 1970

Judee Sill (born Judith Lynn Sill, October 7, 1944 - November 23, 1979) was an American singer and songwriter. The first artist signed to David Geffen’s Asylum label, she released two albums, then worked briefly as a cartoonist before dying of drug abuse in 1979. Her eponymous debut album was released in late 1971 and was followed around eighteen months later by Heart Food. She also recorded demos for a third album in 1974, which were released with other rarities on the 2005 two-disc collection Dreams Come True. Sill was heavily influenced by Bach’s metric forms and suites, while lyrically her work drew substantially on Christian themes of rapture and redemption. Read on...

Song lines: ♪ Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison ... Leave us not forsaken ... Still the echo's achin

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More songs by Judee Sill (See Charts): Soldier Of The Heart, The Kiss, Jesus Was A Crossmaker, and Lady-O.

Popular in Folk (See Charts): Blowin' In The Wind, Don'T Think Twice It'S Alright, Father And Son, Banana Boat Song, I Want You, Suzanne, The Blower'S Daughter, Vincent, Positively 4th Street, and Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands.


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