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Julie Felix

Masters Of War

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song from
  • 1965
  • 2009
  • 1964
  • 1970
  • 1966

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“When the Ship Comes In” is a folk music song by Bob Dylan, released on his third album, The Times They Are a-Changin, in 1964. Joan Baez states in the documentary film No Direction Home that the song was, more or less, inspired by a hotel clerk who refused to allow Dylan a room due to his “unwashed” appearance (he was not famous outside of the folk movement at this time). The song then grew into a sprawling epic allegory about vanquishing the oppressive “powers that be”. Another inspiration was the Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill song, “Jenny the pirate’s bride”. According to Heylin, “When The Ship Comes In” was written in August 1963 “in a fit of pique, in a hotel room, after his unkempt appearance had led an impertinent hotel clerk to refuse him admission until his... Read on...

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Popular in Folk (See Charts): Blowin' In The Wind, Don'T Think Twice It'S Alright, Father And Son, Banana Boat Song, I Want You, Suzanne, The Blower'S Daughter, Vincent, Positively 4th Street, and Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands.


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